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The Tracker System (Reactive Hooks)

The useTracker hook converts normal, non-reactive plugin API methods into reactive methods. "Reactive" means that the methods will be re-run in response to certain events - for example, the normal plugin.rem.findOne(remId) method will return a Rem once based on the remId parameter, but it will not attempt to refetch the Rem in response to the user editing the Rem's text or tagging it with a powerup. However using useTracker you can ensure that whenever the Rem is changed externally, the Rem will be refetched and your component will re-render with the latest value:

const remId = '...';
async (reactivePlugin) => await reactivePlugin.rem.findOne(remId), // tracked function to call whenever the Rem changes
[remId], // dependencies (like useEffect)

Behind the scenes useTracker achieves this by subscribing to the relevant plugin system events and re-running the tracked function when those events fire.

Note that in order for the reactivity to work, you must use the reactivePlugin variable passed as an argument to the function parameter rather than a value returned from the usePlugin hook in another scope. So doing this will not cause an error, but it won't be reactive:

const plugin = usePlugin();
const remId = '...';
// non-reactive because we didn't use the
// reactivePlugin variable.
async () => await plugin.rem.findOne(remId),

You can include multiple reactive method calls inside the same useTracker call:

const remId = '...';
const allDesc = useTracker(
async (reactivePlugin) => {
const rem = await reactivePlugin.rem.findOne(remId);
return await rem.allDescendants();

Note that Rem objects returned from methods called within useTracker will also have reactive behavior.

Beware that large useTracker functions might not be very efficient - whenever any event related to any method in the function fires, the entire tracked function will be re-run, so you should aim to split the function into smaller, logically independant useTracker calls.

Below we've created some more examples of common use cases for useTracker. You can also see the API documentation page for more details.


In the example below, useTracker will return the default setting value of "Pizza". Later if the user sets the favorite food setting to some other value, the component in which we called useTracker will rerender and have access to the new value.

await plugin.settings.registerStringSetting({
id: 'favoriteFood',
title: 'Favorite Food?',
defaultValue: 'Pizza',
const food = useTracker(
async (reactivePlugin) =>
await reactivePlugin.settings.getSetting('favoriteFood'),


The following code will re-fetch the Rem and re-render our component whenever the Rem is updated.

const rem = useTracker(
async (reactivePlugin) => await reactivePlugin.rem.findOne(remId),

Reactivity in the Index Widget

You can't use useTracker in the index.ts widget because React hooks can only be used inside React components. We created a special function called track which is very similar to the useTracker hook, except that it does not return the value of the reactive method. Instead it returns a function which you can call to stop the reactive computation from re-running in response to events:

async function onActivate(plugin: ReactRNPlugin) {
// Changing the focused Rem by clicking around in a document will log the current focused Rem.
const stop = plugin.track((reactivePlugin) => {
const rem = await reactivePlugin.focus.getFocusedRem();
console.log('Focused rem changed!', rem);

// The computation is stopped after 10 seconds
// The function will not be re-run again when the focused Rem changes.
setTimeout(() => {
console.log('Stopping reactive computation!');
}, 1000 * 10);